Sunday, October 12, 2008

Beautiful Baskets

Friends of Mantia's, Evelyn Mosely and Cindy Gauthier, have come up with a wonderful idea for the holidays. They craft wonderful handmade herb and tea baskets with all kinds of goodies. They brought in samples this week, and I just couldn't wait to show them. The complete list of contents for each one is impressive. We'll have full information and pricing available within a few days.

The first basket shown is "All Things Tea," with a variety of teas and tea accessories.

The next one is "Total Comfort," with lotions, creams, herb soaking mixture and more.

And this final one is "Lovely Lavender." If you love the fresh scent of lavender (it always makes me thing of the fields in Provence), then this is the one for you.
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Thursday, October 02, 2008

And I don't even like dessert!!!!

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I was heading down Summer Avenue today and noticed Kay Bakery on a side street. I'd heard about them but had never been there. I'm going tonight to watch the VP debates with friends and thought I'd pick up something sweet to take along.

The bakery has been there for 70+ years, but was bought by a Hispanic owner a couple of years back. I had thought to just get some sort of cake but lordie, there were all these great looking pastries. I started to get a couple but the extremely helpful woman who waited on me explained each one, and I just couldn't seem to stop.

Well, I thought as she added up, I've really spent the week's groceries this time. But you know what? All these pastries totaled only $6.50. That's right! I'll report back when we've tasted them all!

Kay Bakery
667 Avon Road (off Summer between Mendenhall and Perkins)
Phone: 767-0780